The Meaning of “Diamonds Are Forever” And Its History

Have you ever wondered who came up with the phrase “diamonds last forever”, what it means, and how it came about? Also, do you question the timeless allure of diamonds? Because spending precious minutes on the internet reveals the fact that diamonds are organic byproducts of carbon atoms compressed under enormous pressure, so they crystallize and form diamonds.

Therefore, given the organic nature of diamonds, it may seem misleading to say that diamonds are everlasting. Don’t you think? Well, this article explores the world of diamonds. More specifically, we strive to understand why diamonds are considered timeless and whether the concept is true. So, let’s get started.

The Meaning of “Diamonds Are Everlasting”

“A diamond lasts forever, a diamond lasts forever” is undoubtedly one of the oldest, most effective and most famous advertising slogans in history. But what is the point of this slogan? Diamonds are timeless, and this phrase powerfully reflects the timelessness and power of diamonds.

This phrase was conceived by De Beers’ marketing team to show the importance of diamonds and, more importantly, to symbolize the never-ending sign of love.

The slogan “Diamonds last forever” conveys the message that diamonds retain their value forever. The phrase is further used to describe the elasticity and strength of diamonds, indicating that it is the hardest and most durable crystal on earth.

Who Says “Diamonds Last Forever”?

The phrase “Diamonds are everlasting, forever” and marketing slogan were coined in 1947 by Frances Gerety, a woman who worked for De Beers.

While working for an advertising agency in Philadelphia, Ms. Francis was able to use these four simple words to capture the power and eternity of diamonds. At the time, Francis was working in a real “man’s world” tasked with handling accounts from De Beers.

Unsurprisingly, this account was assigned to her because she was managing a “women’s product” account, and she was hired to write articles for accounts that handled women’s product accounts.

Luckily, or perhaps her intelligence, she noticed that she forgot to include a signature line in her latest campaign after she had just finished a long list of ads and finished the day’s work.

Despite her exhaustion, she wrote a note on a piece of paper before going to bed. The next morning she had a speech. Her speech was given in a conference room full of men.

During the presentation, the men were initially hesitant about her unusual presentation style.

However, her idea was recognized, and her line “Diamonds Lasting” was not only recognized by customers, but also changed not only the marketing and sales of diamonds, but also the advertising agency she worked for and the advertising industry as a whole forever.

In 1999, the phrase “Diamonds are everlasting” received the highest recognition, and Advertising Age called it the “slogan of the century.”

Diamonds Are Timeless – History

Some backstory for this whole award-winning phrase – diamonds refer to natural minerals that first formed deep in the earth’s crust more than a billion years ago.

Diamond is the result of the action of pressure and heat on carbon, two forces that lead to the production of the hardest substance known to man.

Despite its high hardness, diamond can be cut into a variety of shapes and is mainly used in jewelry making. Diamonds are unique in that people are willing to pay a lot of money for diamond jewelry.

With knowledge of diamond jewelry mining, production, jewelry making and sales, and the fact that people are willing to spend thousands of dollars on diamonds, De Beers United Mining of South Africa, the world’s leading diamond production company, partnered with a leading advertising agency in Philadelphia to develop the best marketing/advertising slogans and practices for this product.

Their ad account is run by Frances Gerety, who coined the slogan “Diamonds last forever, one night.” The slogan was approved and has since been used by the company to promote their diamonds.

However, beyond the timelessness and strength of diamonds, this phrase may have other meanings. De Beers reportedly keeps diamonds mined from different countries and releases only a limited number of diamonds each year.

Although the company refutes these claims and points out that it no longer adopts the practice, the slogan “Diamonds Last” remains the most successful marketing tool the company uses. This slogan easily illustrates the company’s high sales over the years.

Diamond’s marketing campaign uses the slogan “Diamonds last forever” to show that diamonds symbolize never-ending love.

How Did These Four Words Change the Fashion World?

More than 4 years after the release of the world’s most recognizable 70-letter word emotion, it’s still one of the most famous slogans in the world, and not just in marketing.

The slogan was created by copywriter Frances Gerety. What’s really striking about using this phrase is that this slogan is pretty much the reason for the popular modern concept of diamond engagement rings. It wasn’t until after the campaign that the idea of proposing to a partner with a diamond engagement ring became popular.

Nowadays, you’d be hard-pressed to meet someone who doesn’t have a diamond engagement ring as part of their planning when planning their proposal.


“Diamonds are everlasting” is one of the most recognizable marketing phrases today, and although its concept dates back to 1947, it’s also the reason for diamonds’ popularity and why almost everyone proposes with a diamond engagement ring.

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