6 Little-Known Side Effects of Wearing Amethyst Jewelry

Amethyst jewelry is known for its healing properties. If you love jewelry, you may have come across rings, bracelets, pendants, or earrings made with this gemstone. Although many people buy such jewelry, they do not consider the possible side effects of wearing amethyst.

Since this stone is not suitable for everyone, you should know if it is suitable for you before buying it. We created this article to share the little-known side effects of wearing amethyst jewelry.

6 Little-Known Side Effects of Wearing Amethyst Jewelry

1. Headache

Amethyst is a powerful gemstone that can sometimes cause headaches for some wearers. Amethyst is connected to the crown chakra and third eye and can help you develop psychic abilities and intuition. When the energy of the stones is regulated by the energy of the brain, they affect the pineal gland.

This sudden surge of energy can be difficult for some wearers to handle, especially those with blocked or unbalanced Third Eye Chakra. These people may experience uncomfortable symptoms such as headaches and migraines.

Let’s say your third eye has been dormant for a while and you experience a headache after wearing amethyst jewelry. In this case, this indicates that the energy in your brain is being stimulated.

Therefore, a mild headache is a good sign. However, if migraines persist, you can wear jewelry in small amounts until your body develops tolerance.

2. Dizziness

Healing is a process that takes time. If you try to achieve this by wearing amethyst jewelry, you may feel dizzy for the first few days. This is a sign that the healing gemstone is working and that your body is responding to its energy.

If you feel dizzy every time you wear this gemstone, you should take it gradually and avoid standing too fast. Most gemstone wearers who experience this side effect say it goes away after a while.

You can eliminate any negative energy in the gemstone that may cause this effect by cleaning it. Before wearing it, consider leaving it under the moonlight at night or in the sun for a few hours.

3. Nausea and Bloating

Some people also feel sick from wearing amethyst jewelry. This happens when the energy of the gemstone reacts with the energy in the body. Most of the people who experience this side effect as a result of wearing gemstones are women. If the nausea does not go away after a while, you should consult a doctor.

Since healing gemstones can eliminate blockages, some people also experience bloating issues. Since this is a normal part of the healing process, it should not cause panic. You can minimize this side effect by activating crystals.

4. Disturbed Sleep

Amethyst jewelry is not for everyone as it can cause instability in some people’s lives. While some wearers benefit from wearing this gemstone at night, some experience disturbed sleep.

Amethyst is a highly vibrating stone that may cause restlessness and nightmares in some people. Therefore, a specialist should be consulted before wearing this gemstone to avoid such side effects.

5. Unbearable Emotions

Wearing amethyst jewelry can cause not only physical side effects but also emotional side effects. Since this gemstone heals the chakras, it can bring out pent-up feelings. For example, if you’ve experienced trauma in the past, wearing gemstones can make you feel emotionally out of control.

Some of the emotional reactions observed in amethyst wearers undergoing treatment include euphoria, laughter, and crying for no apparent reason.

Mood swings are normal because crystals can help you heal. When you experience these side effects, you should be down-to-earth to overcome them.

You can use amethyst jewelry in meditation sessions because it helps you focus and root when you connect with a higher power.

6. Acne

Amethyst stone reacts differently to individuals. Some people believe that it can help heal acne because it supports the spleen chakra and purifies the blood.

However, for others, it can make acne symptoms worse. If you experience this side effect, you should avoid wearing amethyst jewelry and seek treatment. Some people also experience other skin reactions from wearing amethyst, such as a mild rash or rough patches of skin.

Who Should Not Wear Amethyst?

Amethyst is the birthstone for February. It mainly benefits people under the signs of Aries, Leo, Scorpio and Cancer. Although this stone has different uses, it is not suitable for everyone. The following people should avoid wearing amethyst.

1. People with sleep problems

We mentioned that people react differently to wearing amethyst jewelry while sleeping. If you often have trouble falling asleep, avoid using this stone in your bedroom as it can make it worse.

2. People with tempers

People with anger management problems or prone to violence should also avoid wearing amethyst, as it can exacerbate this tendency. This mainly occurs in individuals with overactive chakras. If you have temper problems and wear amethyst, then the energy of the gemstone can be dangerous for those around you.

3. Avoid this when changing your life

Amethyst stone is mostly used to help people stick to things and avoid giving up. Therefore, you should avoid wearing it when making certain changes in your life. For example, if you want to end a relationship or are changing jobs, avoid wearing amethyst jewelry.

4. Addicts

People believe that amethyst can help alcohol-addicted recoverers block negativity and get closer to their spirituality. In Greek, the word amethyst translates as not drunk. It is also claimed that wearing amethyst allows you to drink a lot without getting drunk. This is why the ancient Greeks often carried amethyst stones when they went out to drink.

While amethyst can help addicts recover, it is not recommended for people trying to detoxify. Addicts should avoid relying on such gemstones and find a support group to walk with them during this time.

5. People who are often in a humid environment

For example, if your work forces you to get wet or sweat too much every day at work, you should also avoid wearing amethyst jewelry, as frequent exposure to such conditions may damage it.

Although this gemstone has a hardness rating of 7 on the Mohs scale, it is not completely waterproof. Frequently exposing amethyst to too much water can fade it and cause color changes.


Amethyst is a form of quartz used in healing rituals associated with the crown chakra. Although it is known to help eliminate anxiety and stress, it can also cause side effects.

Some people report emotional agitation, disturbed sleep, acne, headaches, or dizziness after wearing amethyst jewelry. To avoid such side effects, you should learn how to train your body to work with stones.

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