What Does “925 Italy” Mean on a Silver Necklace?

You may have seen several pieces of jewelry advertised as “925 Italy,” but you don’t understand what that means.

This article aims to give you some much-needed information on what 925Italy means on a silver necklace. Are you looking for a new pair of silver earrings or necklaces? When buying jewelry, you have to think more than just looking for a style. You have to make sure that the product is genuine because many sellers treat silver-plated jewelry as sterling silver jewelry. Therefore, you need to know the difference between fake jewelry and real jewelry, especially if you are allergic to nickel. So, what does “925 Italy” mean on a silver necklace?

What Does “925 Italy” Mean on a Silver Necklace?

Once you find a necklace or bracelet engraved with “925 Italy”, it means that the item has a pure silver content of at least 92.5% and is made in Italy. These letterings appear only in sterling silver products, that is, products made from a mixture of silver and other metals.

Sterling silver is a metal alloy consisting of 92.5% silver and other metals such as copper, platinum, palladium, or zinc. One of the main reasons jewelry manufacturers mix silver and copper is to improve their tensile strength. (If you’re wondering why some other alloy metals are used to make jewelry, read the detailed post here)

Sterling silver is quite malleable and soft, which means it cannot make a great and durable design. It requires a little hardness from other metals, such as copper, to create complex and sophisticated designs.

925 Italy is one of the many imprints in jewelry. Manufacturers use such prints to determine the uniqueness of their products and to continue the traditions of their ancestors. You may also find artistic signatures or unique manufacturer marks on such jewelry.

Should I Buy “925 Italy” Jewelry?

Italian silverware is known for its high level of craftsmanship as well as purity and quality. In fact, the Italian government ensures that every piece of Italian silverware is stamped before being exported to other countries. For more than two thousand years, Italian artisans have been making some of the world’s most beautiful wearable artworks. Their level of skill, art and design has been passed down from generation to generation since the ancient Roman Empire.

In fact, metal chains originated in Italy. 925 Italian jewelry is not cheap to buy. However, it is a sound investment because its value increases over time. Therefore, it is best to make sure that what you are buying is genuine so as not to be deceived.

Some tips for determining that you own genuine “925 Italy” jewelry include:

Wipe the jewelry with a soft white cloth. If there are some black marks on the fabric, your product is sterling silver.
Nitric acid testing is performed, as nitric acid can make counterfeit non-silver products lose their color. However, it has no real effect on sterling silver.
Use odor testing. Real sterling silver has no odor
Magnet test. Magnets have no effect on gold, silver or platinum.


By understanding the meaning of 925 Italy and knowing how to recognize the authenticity of sterling silver jewelry, you will not only avoid pain but also save your hard-earned money.

Now that you know what you’re looking for, you can move on to buying the next piece of jewelry in your collection.

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