6 Best Crystals to Wear as Rings to Boost Your Energy

Your energy is everything; It defines what your life is like and the direction of your life. In many cases, everything that happens in your life can drain your whole body system, so you may need help from time to time.

While the food you eat and even coffee can rejuvenate you, there are many situations where your life needs more, and in this case, crystals come in handy. You just need to choose the right crystal to boost the energy. So, in this article, we’re going to take you through everything you need to know about the right crystals that boost your energy levels.

Crystal Basics

Well, it is scientifically proven that crystals have the most ordered structure among all-natural elements and compounds. The ordered structure of the crystals is also the reason why they have very low entropy levels. Entropy refers to a measure of (energy) disorder, and crystals have unique structural properties that can respond to different energy inputs around them.

As a result, crystals oscillate and emit energy with different vibrational energies. With the crystal’s natural equilibrium method, emission frequency, and the crystal’s ability to store large amounts of information, crystals are ideal for energy amplification.

The low vibrational energy of crystals and the energy they store are the reason why they have been used for centuries in divination practices, spiritual advancements, burial ceremonies, and healing rituals. Let’s get straight to the point!

The Best Crystal Wearing Rings to Boost Your Energy

1. Moonstone

First on the list of the best crystals for energy amplification is moonstone. Not only is it one of the most powerful energy amplifying crystals, but it is also an ideal crystal to add to the ring.

This powerful crystal works very well when worn on the thumb as a ring because the thumb represents your willpower, which means that the moonstone ring on the thumb will convey positive intentions to you while also showing you the strength of everything you want in life.

The moonstone ring on the thumb is also important because it is one of the body parts that control the body’s energy, so wearing the ring on the thumb will absorb all the positive vibrations of the moonstone.

Interestingly, moonstone has different colors depending on where it is mined, which is why it contains incredible energy. Moonstone is also an ideal ring crystal to wear on the thumb because it absorbs negative energy and converts it into strong positive vibrations.

2. Blue Topaz

If you are looking for a ring that will increase your strength and energy levels, blue topaz is another powerful crystal gemstone that you should consider.

This blue crystal looks great on your index finger ring, and you will be satisfied with the results of wearing this crystal. Blue topaz rings can boost your self-confidence, and the crystal will also make you noticeably more optimistic.

If you are going through challenging or difficult times, a blue topaz-encrusted ring worn on your index finger will make you stronger and more determined.

3. Transparent Quartz

Another crystal that can be worn as a ring is clear quartz. But to enjoy the energy amplification effect of clear quartz, you should consider wearing this ring on your middle finger.

On the middle finger, clear quartz crystals boost your energy by working with all the chakras of your body, more specifically the crown chakra that controls your level of spirituality, intuition, and self-knowledge. This crystal also boosts your energy and boosts your energy. Your state of well-being by improving your level of inspiration, creativity, and communication skills.

This crystal is also great to wear on the middle finger because it carries feminine energy, so the transparent quartz will make you feel more confident, ambitious and outspoken.

So, if you seek help in these aspects of your life, a clear quartz ring on your middle finger will be your ideal partner in crime.

4. Rose Quartz

If you want to experience higher energy levels, especially if you want to welcome more loving energy, you should also consider wearing a ring set with the love crystal Rose Quartz. Rose Quartz will also make you feel more empathetic.

All you have to do is wear a rose quartz ring on your ring finger – the ring finger represents the energy you give off to others and the energy you carry in your relationships.

Therefore, by wearing Rose Quartz on your ring finger, you can experience the amplification of love energy and create a deeper connection with others.

The energy of this crystal can also enhance your charm and social skills. Rose Quartz brings these benefits, and you can experience the best effects offered by this crystal as it is connected to the heart chakra and makes you more loving.

5. Amethyst

If you’re looking to boost your energy in important areas of your life, such as self-awareness and being your best, most intuitive version of yourself, amethyst is not only the most powerful crystal, it’s the perfect crystal to blend into the ring. All you need to do is wear the amethyst ring on your little finger.

This is important because your little finger represents your intuition, imagination, and creativity. Therefore, wearing an amethyst ring on your little finger will boost your energy levels and make you more creative, happy, and self-aware – wearing an amethyst ring on your little finger will give you a better understanding of yourself.

Also, if you want amethyst crystal to heal and protect your chakras, consider wearing an amethyst ring on your little finger.

Amethyst on the little finger also strengthens your mental power, giving you insight into your future and everything you should do to lead to a happier and more prosperous future. Amethyst can also improve your mood while uplifting or positive your energy.

6. Citrine

This is another crystal that you should wear on your little finger that will make you more energetic by activating the third chakra. This chakra is considered the energy center of the body.

Citrine rings will make you more creative and give you the energy to embrace your power and advance into leadership roles, especially as you enter the industry.

This ring will also allow you to attract wealth and abundance. If you’ve been looking for something to increase your energy/strength, confidence, and strength to have stronger, healthier boundaries, then a citrine ring on your little finger will suit you.


The right crystal boosts your energy levels and increases your productivity and success by boosting your mental perseverance and making you happier.

In many ways, these crystals bring out the best in you. In addition to the crystals listed above, you can get rings made of garnet, aquamarine, diamond, emerald, ruby, peridot, and black onyx.

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